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  Guatemalan Pastors Develop New Ways To Bring in Additional Financial Blessings! In March of 2020, at the forefront of when COVID19 […]


Sharing the love of Jesus by taking care of the poor and the widows during COVID19! In July of 2020, David and […]

DEVOTION: Four Steps to Answered Prayer

“Then [Nehemiah] said, ‘O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of unfailing love with those […]

Ministry References

“David and Shonda Tompkins were such a blessing to our church! I am very careful about who I ask to come and minister to our people and they exceeded my expectations! I can not recommend their ministry to you highly enough! They don’t come to be served, but to serve. When David and Shonda ministered here at Edify Church (formerly known as Souls Harbor), they edified the church as well as speaking life and encouragement to my wife and I. Since their weekend of ministry, the atmosphere of our church has dramatically changed and great things are happening!

Do yourself a favor; contact David and Shonda now to speak life and encouragement into you and your church today! I promise you, you will not regret it!”

Pastors Nathan & Martha Langley Edify Church

“What a tremendous opportunity and blessing to have Evangelist David & Shonda Tompkins minister at The Baldwin Church. Shonda “cranked up” the weekend with a powerful Women’s luncheon that ministered in such a way that they’re still referencing it months later! It’s been said by women of the church that it’s the best conference they’ve ever attended. David ministered with power and authority a most anointed Word to our congregation. David & Shonda ministered at the altar with a prophetic anointing that brought healing and restoration to all. They were both extremely sensitive to what God is doing here in Baldwin.

Monique and I recommend this anointed couple to all who would want to take their church ministry a step deeper in Jesus. Thank you both for your commitment and faithfulness to His call in your lives.”

Pastors Jerry & Monique Fitch

Pastors Jerry & Monique Fitch The Baldwin Church

“This couple have such a love for God and people. Both of you have such a passion for the work of the Lord. Thank you for blessing Turning Point Fellowship. It was so awesome seeing the Holy Spirit flow through both of you. Love y’all, be blessed!”

Pastor Dwayne & Jennifer Driggers

Pastors Dwayne & Jennifer Driggers Turning Point Fellowship

“David and Shonda have a heart to serve God and others; and they serve with excellence. They are genuine, approachable, and have a wealth of ministerial experience. Ministry isn’t something they do as a profession, it is their life. I was impressed by their relevant ministry of the Word, and the genuine compassion they showed as they prayed with people in the altars. They will be a blessing to the church, and an encouragement to pastors.”

Pastor Mark Maynard Calvary Life Church

“David and Shonda Tompkins are very passionate ministers for the work of the Lord. This couple displays the heart of God through their evangelistic and missions ministries. Their personal warmth of love will encourage their audience to rise to new levels of wanting to live a life pleasing to God. David and Shonda are lead by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the calling God has placed on their lives to reach the lost for Christ. They are gifted speakers that hear from the Lord and flow in the gifts of the Spirit. David is also a very talented singer and musician, using his years of experience to bless and lead audiences into the presence of God. Their anointing and insight of the Word of God moves individuals to a higher level of Christian living.”

Pastors Herb and Jean Hawthorne Vassar Full Gospel Church

“They were powerfully anointed meetings where God truly showed up and showed Himself strong on behalf of those who’s hearts were turned to Him! Thank you again for coming and ministering, Brother and Sister Tompkins!”

Gary L. Snider Reydon Community Church

“Thanks to your ministry I was able to see firsthand what serving GOD was all about. I’ve learned a lot since your last Mission here on Guatemala, I’ve experienced the presence of God many times. I continue to serve to HIM.”

Giovanny Gómez Guatemala, Central America

“My wife and I have known David and Shonda Tompkins for 30+ years. During that time, we have known no one else that is more professional, hardworking, caring and committed in all they do for the kingdom
of God. We just recently had the privilege of hosting David and Shonda at Liberty Church in Weatherford, OK. They came, prepared with a fresh and timely Word from God on “Living Fearless” that blessed our
Church. At our Staff meeting the following week, one leader after another began to pour out their heart and share about specific fears they had been facing. It turned into a beautiful time of healing for all of our
leaders and Staff.
Needless to say, God used David and Shonda mightily and we are extremely thankful for their dependence upon the Holy Spirit to guide in the direction that He did. Our Church was encouraged and
blessed by their ministry and we believe yours will be too.”
Pastors Scott and Marquieta Page

Pastors Scott and Marquieta Page Liberty Church International

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