We greatly value all of our PMI Ministry Partners and we thank you for supporting our efforts!
Support Praise Ministries Int'l Inc. with David & Shonda Tompkins
We continue to welcome PMI Ministry Partners to connect with us in consistent prayers and monthly financial support!
Praise Ministries Int'l (PMI) is committed to God first and also their supporters with financial integrity. If you feel it on your heart to help David and Shonda Tompkins with PMI continue to reach the precious people of the earth for Jesus Christ, perhaps you are interested in setting up a regular pledge toward PMI Outreach on a monthly basis and becoming what we call a "Partner in Ministry".
David and Shonda are driven by their call and mission to take the good news of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. They have traveled over the United States and other nations many times since 1988 and continue to go with clear direction towards spreading the message of the Gospel.
We realize that none of this would happen without the faithful support of our partners. Through your pledged generosity on a consistent monthly basis, David and Shonda are confident to do what they have been called to do and through your gifts, you are touching the world for God. Everything you donate to PMI goes straight into the ministry (never to salaries), so you can be sure your gift is making a real difference in lives all over the earth!
We love our ministry partners at Praise Ministries Int'l, because together we are "Making A Difference!"
Monthly Ministry Partners Receive:
- Updates from PMI, PMImissions and the 10/40 Missionary Training Institute.
- Opportunities for Special Communications from Missions Trips.
- Partners have full membership access to the PMI Website including Online Giving.
- Organizations can receive upon request a framed photo of David & Shonda Tompkins a with Certificate of Partnership!

Click the DONATE button above to set up your reoccurring PMI Monthly Partnership.
Give securely using PayPal or Cards.
Together, we're Partners in Changing the World for Jesus Christ!
THANK YOU for partnering with us in the work of Christ. Together we become a channel for His love and life to others. This ministry is touching and healing people in many nations across the world, through our face-to-face evangelism efforts and through the far-reaching impact of our Discipleship training materials.
Your Partner in Global Ministry
Rev. David L. Tompkins
Your Donations are Tax Deductible – Praise Ministries int'l Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible. Praise Ministries Int’l, Inc. is firmly committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. We promise to use your gifts wisely and effectively with integrity. Your generous gifts support Praise Ministries Int’l, Inc. and its affiliates around the world.
Praise Ministries Int'l (PMI) makes every effort to use contributions for specified purposes. In the event a project becomes overfunded, or its purposes frustrated due to circumstances beyond our control, this may no longer be practical. In such circumstances, PMI will use those donations elsewhere to fulfill its fundamental mission.
For a non-profit organization, financial accountability is important to our integrity as a ministry, and we have developed a set of principles and guidelines to guide the way we use the resources God has entrusted to us.
- All contributions received, regardless of amount, are considered sacred before God and handled in accordance with recognized non-profit legislation and Best Practice guidelines.
- We prayerfully seek ways to be excellent stewards of every penny in order to make the greatest impact for the Kingdom.
- PMIMISSIONS adheres to accepted 'Best Practice' accounting procedures and conducts an annual audit by an independent, national auditor to maintain strong financial accountability.
- PMIMISSIONS provides a tax receipt in accordance with the rules and regulations of the IRS.
- PMIMISSIONS will maintain the confidentiality and integrity of our donors at all times.
- PMIMISSIONS diligently seeks to pay all our vendors and suppliers within thirty days of receiving an invoice.
- PMIMISSIONS does not receive any grants or funding from any organization whose mission is contrary to the PMIMISSIONS tax-exempt purposes.