10/40 Student Sponsorship
You can help by sponsoring a missionary to spread the gospel to the unreached!
Sponsor A Student
Goal: 20 Sponsorships for 2025
You can make it possible for these students to be trained and equipped to become missionaries to their nations. We have 10 students coming from Ethiopia, 3 from Eritrea, 3 from Egypt, and an unconfirmed number from Sudan, Algeria, Somalia, Djibouti, and Chad. All of these students and their homes are within the 10/40 Window where the largest population of unreached and unchurched people groups are.

We Just Had 20 Refurbished Laptops Donated to the 10/40 MTI for Class Studies!

Your sponsorship gift will include student tuitions, learning materials, housing, food expenses and transportation expenses during their stay in Busia Uganda.
Sponsorship: $1,040.00 per Student
Or you can partner at any dollar amount for the class of 2025. Additionally, you can make a one-time gift to support this sponsorship fund.
Giving App: Cash App-$PMImission
Giving App: Venmo-@PMImissions
(Note: 10/40 Sponsorship)
Checks To: "PMImissions" (Memo: "10/40 Sponsorship")
Mail To: 418 East 8th, Edmond, OK 73034
Or telephone the USA Office at: 405-340-8526
Email: [email protected]
Your Donations are Tax Deductible – Praise Ministries int'l Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible. Praise Ministries Int’l, Inc. is firmly committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. We promise to use your gifts wisely and effectively with integrity. Your generous gifts support Praise Ministries Int’l, Inc. and its affiliates around the world.
Praise Ministries Int'l (PMI) makes every effort to use contributions for specified purposes. In the event a project becomes overfunded, or its purposes frustrated due to circumstances beyond our control, this may no longer be practical. In such circumstances, PMI will use those donations elsewhere to fulfill its fundamental mission.
For a non-profit organization, financial accountability is important to our integrity as a ministry, and we have developed a set of principles and guidelines to guide the way we use the resources God has entrusted to us.
- All contributions received, regardless of amount, are considered sacred before God and handled in accordance with recognized non-profit legislation and Best Practice guidelines.
- We prayerfully seek ways to be excellent stewards of every penny in order to make the greatest impact for the Kingdom.
- PMIMISSIONS adheres to accepted 'Best Practice' accounting procedures and conducts an annual audit by an independent, national auditor to maintain strong financial accountability.
- PMIMISSIONS provides a tax receipt in accordance with the rules and regulations of the IRS.
- PMIMISSIONS will maintain the confidentiality and integrity of our donors at all times.
- PMIMISSIONS diligently seeks to pay all our vendors and suppliers within thirty days of receiving an invoice.
- PMIMISSIONS does not receive any grants or funding from any organization whose mission is contrary to the PMIMISSIONS tax-exempt purposes.